Used to love this, but..
Since late 2022, I've been using the Curlosity shampoo and co-wash conditioner. I've loved the product and it's helped me on a number of accounts. One, it helped me regrow my hair after a large hair loss scare. My hair has loved the product, having great shine and beautiful curls. it's lightweight, even with the conditioner, where I've found other brand products to be too heavy. I never needed much either. Not to mention, I loved this because it was the only product line that offered a solid bar shampoo for curly hair, from what I researched at the time of discovery. Not to mention, I loved Ethique for all the other available options the brand had.
However, with the new rebrand and re-formula... even though it supposedly only had one addition, it's not been great. The conditioner isn't much different, though a little harder to rinse out and slightly heavier feeling to my curls. Also, paying for roughly the same price, for nearly half of the product from before on conditioner, is a bit ridiculous. The Shampoo, I feel, has had the biggest difference in change. First, why is it blue and comes off onto my hands so much that it feels like waste? Not to mention, the site mentions in their interview of 5,000 people, it was somehow hard to discern between shampoo and conditioner? They were not only two different colors, but values and texture. One lathers, one doesn't. The Shampoo also almost feels like a conditioner to the touch, despite that it does lather well, and now leaves…